Exchange rate pricing at customs

Exchange rate pricing at customs

The calculated exchange rate of imported goods at customs must be real.

The former governor of the Central Bank, emphasizing that the exchange rate of 4200 Tomans was the result of a wrong vote and calculation, said: the exchange rate should be the basis for calculating the customs duties of imported goods, the half rate.
According to Eqtesadonline, quoted by Fars, Tahmasb Mazaheri, in an interview with the “Event” program of Radio Goftogo, in response to the question of what is the difference between changing the calculated exchange rate of imported goods from 4200 Tomans to half, said: If this currency becomes real, the path Ra shows that he is improving and realizing. The parity rate of Rials and dollars is not 4200 Tomans, but this rate was the result of a wrong estimate, wrong calculation and voting.

The economist added: “The rate of goods and services and the equality of the national currency with the currency can not be determined by voting.” The unfortunate night of April 11, 1997, despite the fact that the Central Bank apparently did not agree, was set at 4,200 Tomans and was used as a basis for calculation, which resulted in several billion dollars in damage to the country’s resources.

The former governor of the Central Bank emphasized: The insistence that there is still a currency of 4200 Tomans is wrong and should be converted into a half rate that is more realistic in calculations and principles.

Regarding the effect of changing the currency of import duties on imported goods from 4,200 tomans to Nimayi, Mazaheri said: 1- It shows the price of goods more realistically with market conditions. 2- There will be less corruption in the allocation of currency; Because some people are interested in making a profit from this place and the difference between the currency, and to do wrong things to achieve that. Therefore, the motive for corruption and improper allocation must be addressed. 3- In pricing imported goods, the price can be determined in the market. 4- In order not to damage domestic production and employment from the place of import of foreign goods, we usually make another mistake to compensate for one mistake and
Import trade goes up.

“For example, we get 40 percent customs duty on imported goods, which increases the incentive to smuggle,” he said. Due to the vastness of the borders and the existence of 140 customs points, physical control is difficult and also phenomena such as Culbery are created, the advantage of which is due to the difference between the currency and the price of imported and domestic goods.

He continued: “If the exchange rate based on the calculations of customs goods is closer to reality, Colburns can also have a better and clearer job for themselves.”


Car import

Car import

The customs value of imported cars is determined on an annual basis based on export prices and by comparing world prices in the Committee of Note 6 of the Automobile Law. The customs value of all vehicles that can be imported will be published in accordance with Note 1 of Clause 4 of Article 17 of the Executive Regulations of the Customs Affairs Law, after being determined in the Committee of Note 6 of the Automobile Law. The value of the car includes the purchase price in the country of origin (FOB) + insurance + freight, which is called Cif. The average freight from the Persian Gulf countries to Bandar Abbas is between $ 500 and $ 750 per car.

Impact of imports on the car market

Since the summer of 1397, when the import of cars into the country was banned, price increases and fluctuations in car prices peaked. It was from that time that not only the price of zero and used foreign cars, but also the daily price of domestic cars increased and disrupted the market.

How to import a car and calculate clearance, numbering and other related costs

Gasoline cars
Diesel cars
Two ways to buy a car
Import with your business card
Importing a car with another person’s business card
Costs of importing cars by sea

Everything about the business card and how to get it

Issuance conditions
Exemptions from having a business card
Cancellation of business card
Optional cancellation / cancellation
Compulsory cancellation

How to obtain a license to import goods from outside the Provincial Industry, Mining and Trade Organization

Import order registration management system (registration)
Membership in the site
Real Merchant Registration
Legal Merchant Registration
Provide registration documents
Documents required for membership

Notice of car import with 3 years of construction

Prohibition of use and maintenance of used government vehicles
Increasing the amount of grants to all types of worn-out passenger cars
Increasing the amount of facilities for scrapped vehicles
Establish a working group to determine the number of scrapping centers for worn-out vehicles

Necessary payments for import
Input rights

In general, passenger cars less than 1500 cc are classified in the tariff line of 870322290 in the table of export and import regulations. And the import of these cars is subject to 55% of customs duties and taxes.

Imports of passenger cars between 1500 and 2000 cc are classified in tariff line 87032319 and are subject to 75% of customs duties and taxes.

Passenger cars from 2000 to 2500 cc are also classified in the tariff range of 87032329 and are subject to 95% customs duties and taxes.

Entry fee for hybrid vehicles without power base (gasoline-hybrid)

Up to 1500 cc of import duty 5% customs value
From 1501 to 2000 cc, import duty 25% of customs value
From 2001 to 2500 cc 25% customs duty import duty
Suitable for type, volume and base of gasoline / hybrid and diesel hybrid and rechargeability through connection to external source 5 to 45%

Import of cars subject to 9% VAT (from the total customs value plus import duty)
4% tax on account (from the total customs value plus import duty)

Red Crescent fees equivalent to 1. Entry fee

Five 5% of the FOB value as specific duties on car imports

Standard cost equal to 8 per thousand cif value


What is Internet Export Marketing?

Internet Export Marketing

With the advancement of technology and the Internet, Internet export marketing has played a significant role in international trade. Given the presence of many people on social networks and the Internet, Internet export marketing can be a convenient and low-cost way to find a buyer to export goods and find a supplier to import goods. That is why most individuals and legal entities, in addition to having a reputable website, are also active in social networks. Finding a customer or supplier, connecting and doing international trade is facilitated by internet export marketing; But this is accompanied by challenges such as reassuring the other party. The first question that comes to the minds of traders and merchants is “How do we do internet export marketing?”

Why is Internet Export Marketing Important?

According to in April 2021, out of 7.85 billion people in the world, about 5.27 billion people have mobile phones. Of the world’s population, 4.72 billion have access to the Internet and 4.33 billion are active on social media. So do not miss out on online export marketing and the importance of social media in your business.About 55% of people are active in social networks, which is an average of about 13% of the changes per year. According to April 2021 statistics, people spend an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes a day on their social networks.


Social network suitable for internet export marketing

The question for everyone is, “Which social networks should we use to export goods?” In the continuation of the article, the statistics of some of Iran’s neighboring countries as the best export destinations are discussed.

According to reports:

WhatsApp with 24.15%, Facebook with 21.8% and Instagram with 18.4% were the most used social networks in 2021, respectively.

If your product is different for men and women for consumption or different for different age groups, the following information can help you evaluate the most of your audience.

For example, if the product you are producing is most relevant to your teens, look for your ads on Instagram.

If your product is suitable for people 24 to 34 years old, look for your contacts on Instagram for men and on Facebook for women.

But for goods that are suitable for people 35 years and older or businessmen, WhatsApp environment is a good platform for the presence of these people; And to connect with these people, it is better to use this application.

Internet export marketing for Oman

In this part of the article, we will deal with the applications of export destination countries.

We start internet export marketing from Oman, the country that has the third strongest currency in the world. Given that this country is a bridge between the consuming country of Yemen and Africa, there are shopping applications in various fields in this country that have a lot of applicants.

Depending on the type of product you have in the field of food, cosmetics or even clothing, select the application you need.

Internet export marketing for Turkey

Now we come to Turkey. A neighbor with a common land border is one of our trading partners. The country is on its way to Europe and this year the growth of Iran’s exports to Turkey has been 53%. This is a significant increase, but given the volume of Turkish imports, our share of this market is still small and there is more potential for work.

According to Google Play Store and App Store, most of the applications that Turkish people use to buy online shop.

Internet export marketing for Russia

It is one of the largest importers of food from Iran with severe frosts, unfavorable weather conditions and a population of about 146 million. Frequently asked question by traders is “How do we know the price of goods in Russia without a business trip? All you have to do is check your product information using the most popular applications and get to know the exact price of your product in that country.


Internet export marketing for Armenia

One of the main obstacles for Armenia to expand trade with other countries is landlockedness and lack of access to the sea. This has increased Armenia’s need for its neighbors.

In this regard, Armenia’s not-so-good political relations with its two important neighbors, Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the impact of Armenia’s trade relations with these two countries, have created more complicated conditions for Armenia’s international trade.

All of these issues have provided good trade opportunities for Armenia’s neighbors and close neighbors, especially the Eurasian Union countries, which have special privileges to trade with each other. To sell your goods in Armenia, do not neglect the “purchase” applications in this country and offer your products in them.


Consult a digital marketing and product engineering team to experience successful exports to countries and Internet export marketing. This team in the direction of international trade with expert advertisements and creating goods with packaging according to the taste and culture of the destination country, paves the way for exports for you. You can get advice and help from the digital marketing team of GTG Trading Company in this area.