Exchange rate pricing at customs

Exchange rate pricing at customs

The calculated exchange rate of imported goods at customs must be real.

The former governor of the Central Bank, emphasizing that the exchange rate of 4200 Tomans was the result of a wrong vote and calculation, said: the exchange rate should be the basis for calculating the customs duties of imported goods, the half rate.
According to Eqtesadonline, quoted by Fars, Tahmasb Mazaheri, in an interview with the “Event” program of Radio Goftogo, in response to the question of what is the difference between changing the calculated exchange rate of imported goods from 4200 Tomans to half, said: If this currency becomes real, the path Ra shows that he is improving and realizing. The parity rate of Rials and dollars is not 4200 Tomans, but this rate was the result of a wrong estimate, wrong calculation and voting.

The economist added: “The rate of goods and services and the equality of the national currency with the currency can not be determined by voting.” The unfortunate night of April 11, 1997, despite the fact that the Central Bank apparently did not agree, was set at 4,200 Tomans and was used as a basis for calculation, which resulted in several billion dollars in damage to the country’s resources.

The former governor of the Central Bank emphasized: The insistence that there is still a currency of 4200 Tomans is wrong and should be converted into a half rate that is more realistic in calculations and principles.

Regarding the effect of changing the currency of import duties on imported goods from 4,200 tomans to Nimayi, Mazaheri said: 1- It shows the price of goods more realistically with market conditions. 2- There will be less corruption in the allocation of currency; Because some people are interested in making a profit from this place and the difference between the currency, and to do wrong things to achieve that. Therefore, the motive for corruption and improper allocation must be addressed. 3- In pricing imported goods, the price can be determined in the market. 4- In order not to damage domestic production and employment from the place of import of foreign goods, we usually make another mistake to compensate for one mistake and
Import trade goes up.

“For example, we get 40 percent customs duty on imported goods, which increases the incentive to smuggle,” he said. Due to the vastness of the borders and the existence of 140 customs points, physical control is difficult and also phenomena such as Culbery are created, the advantage of which is due to the difference between the currency and the price of imported and domestic goods.

He continued: “If the exchange rate based on the calculations of customs goods is closer to reality, Colburns can also have a better and clearer job for themselves.”

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